Preparing For Training To Ramp Up

Setting up for success.
As we prepare for the year to come to an end, you should be thinking about what you want to accomplish to appropriately set your goals. Are you looking to gain some size, some strength, or are you looking to get leaner? Maybe you are looking to do all of the above: power, size, and body recomposition. Whatever your goals are, set them down on paper, preferably in pencil, so that you can update them as the year progresses.
You might ask, why do I need to set goals? The answer is that without setting goals, you may not know what you need to do to reach your goals. Too often, we think that we can just wing it, and then later on down the road, we will know what we want to do. But without goals, we do not have a specific direction. Case in point, if you want to gain strength and size, but you just wing it and do a ton of running, lower your caloric intake, and start taking a bunch of fat burners, you’re most likely not going to get very strong.
Make sure you’re setting up the proper training. After you set your goals, you can choose how to set up your training. For example, if you want to get stronger, you need to focus on the types of exercise and the nutrition you need to achieve your goals. There are many options out there, some better than others, but all are better than nothing at all. Do the research or pay someone you can trust to do it for you. Then, get out there, start lifting, and have some fun. Above all else, have some fun.
Upcoming Events
January 2022 – Intermediate Strength Training Seminar: Join us for 3, 1-hour seminars focused on learning & incorporating intermediate movements into your strength routine by adding in bands, chains, and specialty bars. Cost is $10 per class. Sign up for classes at
This is a continuation of our Intro to Strength Training seminar, but anyone is welcome. We'll also review how to properly complete the BIG 3 movements: Back Squat, Bench Press, & Deadlift. Topics Include: 01/06 @ 5:30pm - Session 1: Intermediate Squat 01/13 @ 5:30pm - Session 2: Intermediate Bench Press 01/20 @ 5:30pm - Session 3: Intermediate Deadlift

April 2, 2022 - Florida Man Mayhem I: Ladies and Gents, mark your calendars for a day of watching strong people lift heavy shit up! We promise it will be a great time and it’s just down the road at Laishley Park. As the time comes closer, we will also be looking for volunteers to help us out. Don’t worry, you’ll be rewarded :D
Past Events
New & Noteworthy
Coaches' Corner: Episode 11 - Powerlifting Comp Prep 4
This week we discussed the flow during a powerlifting meet. This is probably the second biggest concern many new powerlifters have.